Originally Posted by untamed
Very cool. I just vented directly outside, which wastes all that heat along with the humidity. I would probably not get as much value out of that as you will in Calgary.
One of the better arguments AGAINST metal halide is dealing with the heat they put off. With the HRV, you'll be able to use this to heat your house. Very efficient.
My Teks put out more heat than my Halides 6 bulb vs 250 watt. I've heard people running the Ati power modules that they are quite quite hot. That is the t5 lighting system to go with i think. Awesome looking and peforming. IIn the hotter months you can drop your photoperiod down and run the actinics or swith the bulb placements...little more user flexible i think going the t5 route.i have both and the loss of shimmer is not that big a deal. Although if i run just the two outside bulbs on the tek i get shimmer