Thread: Ctenophore's
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Old 05-08-2008, 06:06 PM
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Default Ctenophore's

So i want to know what your take is on these i am prefferably looking for personal experiences opposed to publications.

Here is a good link if you dont know what they are.

I have had some kicking around my tank for a while now and am just wondering what peoples experiences are with them. i have found that my rics dont react well to them . i think the sweepers are having a negitive effect on my corals rics espicially.

i had a different thread going on them and now am looking for answers to wheather or not they sould be taken out. they seem to be fine aside frome the fact that the coral around them is not doing as well as normal. they live on a large piece of toadstool which is fine until they climb onthe top.


Thanks in advance.
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