Apx. 3.5" Black Longnose Tang For Sale @ wickedfrags
This is not the black tang from my display, but one I recently acquired. He is a perfect size for almost any tank and in flawless condition, not a scratch or blemish and eating both flake and prepared foods.
This fish has increased in cost and is not reflected on many websites and stores (because it is very rarely available - no sense updating the price). This species of tang is rare, and finding one this size is increasingly uncommon due to the prevalance of mature adult tangs cross-breeding in the Christmas Islands (so I have been advised).
Please note - this is an not an inexpensive fish, serious inquiries only please. Should you be interested in a 7"-8" black tang I may be able to get you one for $200 less than the price of this size black tang.
I am willing will sell a wicked wrasse (golden rhomboid, mystery, exquisite) or helfrichi firefish at a discounted rate to subsidize the higher costs of this black tang.
Dave @ wicked