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Old 05-07-2008, 10:14 PM
cole004 cole004 is offline
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Location: Chilliwack
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Originally Posted by mark View Post
few things,
-first your first drawing, looks like the overflow goes into you reservoir then to the sump and still see on your plumbing, still does with a valve, wondering why
-doesn't appear you have an overflow box just a straight standipe, again with a valve. Can understand the valve to backup the flow over the standpipe for noise (Herbie) would just caution running without a backup or emergency drain
-in the drawing you refer to a CL, technical correct as is closed but usually referred as a return manifold. CL for aquariums seems to be more the drain and return at the same head.
Thanks for your comments and concerns Mark;

I decided to "T"ed the flow to the sump and reservior for more control. I'm not sure about my fimal use for the res, it might feed the surge or I might run marco, or even live rock. regardless I thought if I "T"ed I would be able to have greter options later.

The valve on the stand pipe is simply there for shut the over down when I work on lower part of the plumbing. again a control issue.
Not shown in the drawing the CL will have a "T" to the sump that can be used as a emergency drain.

And regarding the CL or Manifold Return the drawn might not be as representational as it needed to be

I'll let you decide what it's called but I'm building one of these, closed loopy manfrotto things

I find that drawings sometimes get in the way of life, so I use them as a guideline for jumpstarting creative. But thanks for your comments I need those to keep the creative in check
90G Build Jan/2008

Equip - 90G, 20G Sump, Coralife Super Skimmer 65, Drilled mag 18 return, Closed loop[ w/ Mag 5, 2 Hydor Flow - Rotating Water Deflector and Wave Maker, 2 Hydor Koralia1 & 1 Hydor Koralia3. 40bls live rock, 2 48" Aqualight PFO w/ T8's

Livestock - flame angel, yellow tang. maroon clown, blue devil damsel, 5 b/g chromis - 3 Anthelia, 1 feather dusters, 3 hairy mushrooms, watermelon mushroom, many crabs & snails
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