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Old 05-06-2008, 12:53 AM
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untamed untamed is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Coquitlam
Posts: 2,248
untamed is on a distinguished road

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They shipped directly to me and I can attest that the products work. The trick is in trying to determine how deep your scratches actually are and use as light a grit as you can to remove it. Deeper the scratch..the more work needed to buff it out.
400 gal reef. Established April, 2007. 3 Sequence Dart, RM12-4 skimmer, 2 x OM4Ways, Yellow Tang, Maroon Clown (pair), Blonde Naso Tang, Vlamingi Tang, Foxface Rabbit, Unicorn Tang, 2 Pakistani Butterflies and a few coral gobies

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