Thread: Best test kits
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Old 05-04-2008, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Just tried my Elos test kits I recieved with my last JL order. Seem ok, but never impressed me much. Salifert seems just as good, if not better. Alk. reads the same. Calcium reads almost 3ppm lower than my Salifert. What I did not like on the calcium is the colour switch. It starts changing blue, then back, then blue again, then back, and so on. I dont like the endpoint as much as Salifert.

Fine test kits but unless it impresses me more by the time I reach the end of the kit, I will stay with Salifert. So will reserve judgement until then.

Oh great. . Now they are on sale, a few days later.
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