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Old 05-02-2008, 06:32 PM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 943
dsaundry is on a distinguished road

I'm not disagreeing with your statement at all. Of course if I'm losing business due to complaints I'll change things. My business is my livelihood. The point is: It should be MY decision!
2 years ago WCB legislated smoking rooms in bars. So I built one. A large room with excellent ventilation to the roof. Smokers had their own space; non-smokers had theirs. (Employees did not have to enter the room). No complaints. Everyone happy. Now that the smokers are forced outside, the non-smokers are complaining having to walk around them to enter or exit the building. I can't stop people from smoking on the street; it's not my property. So what do I have now? Now I have unhappy smokers and unhappy non-smokers. If the smoking room is set up properly, I see absolutely nothing wrong with providing one.
Anyhow, I've said my piece. I'll leave it at that, and we'll just agree to disagree.
I understand your frustration, I personally thought the so called smoking rooms were a joke in most cases. Didn't cover up much at all. It was IMO a joke that WCB tried to impose this rule on a lot of companies. The smoking rooms/area's didnt work in most cases anyway. I do understand when you spend 10k or more on ventilation etc for a room you can no longer use how pi**ed off you would be. Agree to disagree...Sure. IMO they should have just banned it entirely in workplaces a few years ago. I will also point out that in California and several other states they banned smoking in the workplce outright...Griping..sure but down the road people adjusted fine...
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