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Old 05-02-2008, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by ElGuappo View Post
I am a smoker adn i do agree with the indoor laws, however the outdoors is questionable. as metioned before there are far worse airborn pollutants right outside the door due due the burning of non renewable resources that even as up to date as this week is killing hundreds of animals right outside your back door. due to the gathering of such fuels. how long can we continue to put of the electric car and such? i dont have any interest in driving one ever. but that doesnt mean i dont think they need to make a serious move in the next decade or so and make some with better power and longer lasitng bateries.
Is this not the "Well if everyone else is doing it then my little bit doesn't matter argument"? I dont think specificly its the biggest health issue I just think its a non smoker weighing out smoker decision. I know I don't personally enjoy walking out of a Walmart to 14 people blowing smoke in my face. You also have to realise that people are allergic to some of the chemicals in smoke so these people smoking infront of Walmart are technicly infringing on their rights?
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