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Old 05-01-2008, 08:47 PM
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banditpowdercoat banditpowdercoat is offline
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banditpowdercoat is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I hate rules. I think the government should p*** off. I have a parking ticket from them on my desk right now. Screw them!! I should be able to park where I choose, when I choose. I didn't elect them to give me tickets. Another thing. Heroin. I want to sell it, but they won't let me. Some stupid rule about selling drugs. Well, I'm only trying to sell to my user friends, and they WANT me to sell it. Why can't I do this?? Stupid 51% dictatorship. I wouldn't have voted for them if I knew I couldn't sell drugs. I'd even meet in the middle and sell coke, but no, same rule applies. I don't get it. They grow pot and sell it, and I can't sell heroin??? WTF? I could sell you a Big Mac, but not smack. Is there a difference?? I think not. That's just me though.
And I don't want to dwell on things, but this peeing on the sidewalk thing, it's kinda got me going. Whyt can't I just whip it out and pee anywhere I want? Ok, the women prolly voted against it, but really, if people don't want to look at it, they can just close their eyes. It has no direct health risks, well, unless they touch it. So?? No, stoopid gov won't let me. It's a law they say. Same with smoking and heroin. More laws. When will all these laws end?? Do we really need them?? I say NO!!! I think I gotta move somewhere I can smoke my heroin anywhere I want and pee on anyone that complains about it. Suggestions anyone??
LMAO, Lets move to CUBA
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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