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Old 05-01-2008, 08:29 PM
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Parker Parker is offline
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I think this is being blown a tad out of proportion. Smoking is being banned not because it's hazardous to the smoker’s heath, smoking is being banned because it's bad for the non-smoking publics health. You can't really make comparisons to obesity. I can sit beside you and watch you plow 15 hamburgers into your mouth everyday and it would have zero affect on my health. Unless I can be disgusted to death. Where as If I sat beside you while you smoked a pack a day my heath would be significantly affected.

It's my god given right to fire off a few rounds. Do you want me doing it in the vicinity of your children? Nope, that's why it's illegal inside city limits. ( no I don't own a firearm - just an example )

Last edited by Parker; 05-01-2008 at 08:33 PM.
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