Originally Posted by KennyKen
can't forget about riverfront. lol
I actually went there today and they had some really nice fish. Doesnt look like they are going to much coral wise, but they also had some REALLY nice clams in.
I assume by your post that they are actually open. What are their hours?
300 gal starphire custom built in pentagon reef (+90 gal sump on Blue Line 100 HD return pump, 210lb LR, Euro-Reef RC250 skimmer, 2x400W MH, 2x28W compacts, 2xTurbelle classic 4002 pumps & Turbelle Stream 6100 on 7095 Multicontroller, running ZEOvit)
Fish: damsels; sailfin, yellow, regal & naso tangs; ocellaris & tomato clowns; lyretail anthias; foxface lo; flame angelfish
corals: a few