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Old 05-01-2008, 12:54 AM
seanoman seanoman is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 215
seanoman is on a distinguished road

Hey sorry about the long delay in updates. It's hard to find lots of time to keep this updated when your also trying to set the tank up.

Lots of things have changed since the last update. I have added in the wavy seas with the tunzes and so far I am so impressed with the flow patterns that this combo creates. Also the lighting is all mounted just need to get some longer cords to put the middle T'5s in series with the others.

Also the aquascaping is mainly done with only a few pieces of LR that i need to find for certain areas.

We have in the last couple of days also added in the first of our livestock.

We got a school of chromis and 3 firefish. We also added in a ricordea that was in our nano and we got a green monti frag.

Sorry for the blurry pics, I am still trying to figure out the best way to take pics through the glass.

Here's the ric.

Here's the monti


Full Tank Shot with Just T5's

With Halides
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