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Old 04-30-2008, 03:52 PM
root81 root81 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Eastern Townships, QC
Posts: 1
root81 is on a distinguished road

I'm in the process of building a control panel for my setup. I'll basically have a switch for each outlet at the back of the panel, and the timers will be switched AFTER the timer, so I don't mess up timing if i turn a light off. I've thought of going with a PLC unit instead, to have fully programmable control, but that'll probably be later, since I have very little time to spare, and am working mostly on getting a new custom built aquarium put together, and set up. This idea might be beyond the average person, but it's my solution, since I work with electronics, and can get all parts at a good discount through my suppliers.
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