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Old 04-29-2008, 09:35 PM
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Yeah I definitely regret having tried this salt. Man, that's worrisome about the Boron giving a false alkalinity reading.

I run both a calcium reactor and a kalk reactor though so hopefully that means my Ca and Alk levels in the tank are solid readings.

I think I have decided though to just simply give up on SPS for now. I thought Zeovit would help me out of this 3 year nightmare but it's maybe a case of too little too late. I was utterly convinced that due to the age of the tank (6 years) that this was a nutrient buildup in the substrate and that running Zeovit would help pull it out. I now think though that this is not the case. I can't get a PO4 reading, and NO3 ranges from 0 to 4 or 5 (and "4 or 5" is not a fatal NO3 reading). So it's something else, and since it's not Ca, it's not Alk, and since it started happening well before I tried this salt it's likely not the Mg, and, well, I can't say for sure if it's potassium or not but honestly at this point it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that it has nothing to do with potassium. It's not AEFW, it's not red bugs ... if it is an organism it's something invisible, if it is a parameter it's something untrackable. How does one fight an enemy they can't see?

Since it's restricted to SPS, maybe the solution is pull out the pieces that are not yet showing stress and give them a future with potential instead of the inevitable.

The cycle of "I think this tank is on the rebound!" to "oh, no it's not, after all" is just starting to get to me. My fish, my clams, gorgonians and LPS do fine, so maybe it's better just to focus on keeping those happy in the remaining months that it will take me to finish the renos on my basement and get the new tank running. And just hope beyond reckoning that the new tank doesn't inherit this problem .. I hate to say it but I think if it comes to that I may be done. There's this nice X-C bike I've been looking at but I can't afford it right now, but boy oh boy I could buy like 3 of them if I sold off all the tank crap I have lying around.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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