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Old 04-29-2008, 09:01 PM
Treebeard Treebeard is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Strathmore, Alberta
Posts: 665
Treebeard is on a distinguished road

It would be a shame to have to give it up. Perhaps someone can take care of it for you while your tank gets back on track? I would be willing to foster it for you but I am inexperienced with SPS. The piece I have coming tomorrow will be my first.

Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Does anyone want a pink passion milli? Look at the SPS page ( ) it is the one on the far right on the top row.

Since my SPS tank has taken a nosedive in the time it's taken this group order to come to fruition, I am offering this piece up since it's coming in on this order for me and .. well, it's only going to die if I put it in my tank.

I paid $40 for the piece but since I'm desperate for it not to go into my tank and just be a $40 loss, I'll entertain any reasonable offer. I'll even take an I.O.U. if that helps sweeten the deal.
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