My rant with the KZ test kit is that I can't read the results. The instructions say to take the reading from when you can't see the colour strip anymore through the vial, OR when you can only barely see the colour strip. My problem is these are two very different spots. If they were close that would be one thing, but they're not that close. The point where I can't see the colour strip anymore is about 310-320. The point where I can only barely see the colour strip is the darkest point of the strip, ie., top of the scale, which is 400. So which is the reading? 310? or 400? 400 sounds implausible, why would have I have high K when I've never dosed it before. But reading up on it seems that you are supposed to take the reading when you can only barely see the test strip. So that means 400. But reading up on the perils of low K, it sounds like it could be a plausible explanation. So maybe it's 310? But being 310 or 400 is very important to know before I embark upon any kind of dosing.
Sigh. I throw my arms up in the air over this one. The only form of testing that I trust with degree of confidence are titrations or volumetric based test kits. Too bad the chemisty just isn't there for some things. If any point you find yourself saying "I guess this vial matches this colour" or "I guess I can't see the strip anymore through the liquid" - confidence in the value goes right out the window. Or should I say, "I guess" confidence goes out the window. Or I guess it's a window. I guess I can't really be sure. I guess I can't really be sure of anything. I guess.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
Last edited by Delphinus; 04-29-2008 at 04:30 PM.