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Old 04-28-2008, 03:27 PM
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Black Phantom Black Phantom is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Calgary
Posts: 331
Black Phantom is on a distinguished road

If you want to paint it you have to prep it right. This means the glass has to be perfectly clean. Use vinegar and water for the first step. Use a non lint soft cloth. An old cotton t shirt works well.
Once you are done, wipe the entire suface with with either acetone (do not touch anything plastic and very high odor) or denatured alchohol.
Use a new clean cloth and don't touch the glass with your hand.
Once you are done use a quality Latex paint and a roller. Take your time and it should come out fine.
Brushes pull the paint and a cheap brush will leave streaks. That why a good painter uses quality materials.
250 gal display tank plumbed directly to my wallet
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