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Old 04-28-2008, 05:08 AM
Nevin Nevin is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: New Westminster, BC
Posts: 101
Nevin is on a distinguished road
Default Nevin's 14G + 5.5G sump

This is to document the build of my 14G reef tank, which will replace my 10G:

The 10G has only been running for a few months, but wasn't really intended to do anything more than get me started learning about saltwater systems. It served that purpose well, and now it's time for something new.

My intent is to build this new system as a nano version of a full system, fully customized and designed for easy maintenance. Thanks to a few good bargains, I am able to do so sooner than expected with the features that I want--halides, Herbie overflow, sump, skimmer.

I don't have much of a plan for livestock. Currently I have:

1 clownfish
1 urchin
5-6 astrea and margarita snails
8-10 blue-legged hermits
1 red scarlet hermit
moon coral
small zoas
few mushrooms
3 varieties of macro algae

Pics will follow in a separate post.
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