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Old 04-28-2008, 02:33 AM
R7-12 R7-12 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Abbotsford, BC
Posts: 9
R7-12 is on a distinguished road

Thank you for your replies and comments.

I suspected they were a type of filter so I left them alone until that was confirmed. The only problem is they are everywhere and that makes my whole system look like it's been infested.

Do you think they will become reduced through competition for nutrients? Should I try scraping some of them off the glass? Would it be recommended to start using RowaPhos and perhaps carbon at this point?

Myka - The rock crabs in the tank came with a few pieces of rock but I don't consider them to be a problem for now. When I start placing zoas and mushrooms in the tank I will separate the rocks with crabs from the rest of the tank with a short piece of glass in the sand that will act as a wall.

They are light coloured with a brown or black area on their body. I thought keeping them will help clean up some of the uneaten food.

I don't have any pics of them but I could try to take some.

Thanks again for your answering my questions.

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