Thread: Adding Corals
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Old 04-27-2008, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by MMAX View Post
It's more like every week, not every few days and usually right after I add water. I didn't even know I was supposed to be testing for phosphates and magnesium and stuff like that.
If you want to keep corals you need (should) to. Calcium, Alkalinity, and Magnesium should be tested on a weekly basis and dosed to keep optimum levels. Pick up some good quality test kits like Salifert or Elos so you know you're getting accurate readings.

For Calcium I like to use Kent Liquid Calcium or Turbo Calcium. For Alkalinity I like to use SeaChem Reef Buffer if low pH is an issue (like my tank), or SeaChem Reef Builder if pH isn't an issue. For Magnesium I like to use SeaChem Reef Advantage Magnesium. To suck up phosphates I run a PhosBan Reactor with RowaPhos media in it.

Don't add any more calcium until you get a test kit. It doesn't sound like there is anything in your tank that is using up the calcium to any significant amount, so you're likely quite high on the calcium.

It also depends what kind of salt you're using as some are high in elements, and some are low. What brand of salt do you use?

So basically, your answer for if your tank is ready for corals right, it's not. You need to get some more test kits first, and get your levels all sorted out. Once you've done that, then it sounds like you're ready.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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