Thread: New to reefing.
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Old 04-26-2008, 03:21 AM
BigA BigA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 44
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Good idea on the rubble instead of the media in the canister. Nitrate factory (with media)!!!

When you decide on inverts, you need to decide whether you'd like hermits or snails. They don't co-exist very well as the hermits kill the snails, as they prefer escargot to algae and detritus. You can't blame them really!!

I prefer snails as hermits have other drawbacks as well. I keep Astrea, Nassarius, Cerith, Margarita, and Ring Cowries. I have mixed feelings on the Margaritas as they are a temperate species, and don't survive well in the tropical temperatures of our reefs. The higher temperatures speed up their metabolisms, and they live a much shorter life than they should. So, I feel bad putting them in my tank, but they are AWESOME algae eaters! The only reason I have them in my tank is because they were sold to me as a different species. When they die, I don't think I will replace them as I feel too cruel!
ok. Thanks for the info on the magaita snails. Didn't know that. Is there a "rule of thumb" for how many snails to put in a tank? 1 per gallon? 1 per 5gals? Do they need to get included when I am figuring out the bioload?
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