Originally Posted by Darth Wader
They want me to take pictures and email them to 'em. I'm pretty upset that they didnt inspect it before they sent it to me.
They ship out hundreds of items everyday. There is NO WAY they can inspect every single thing that goes out, it would take too many man hours. Yes, there are sometimes problems, and when there is they are very good about making it right. Of course they want you to take pictures, otherwise every Joe Blow out there could scam them. They have good policies in place, and stand behind every item they sell.
My bet...the skimmer you have now was returned on warranty, and ended up getting put on the shelf by accident instead of in the warranty bin. Mistakes happen...humans are not machines.
As far as the box being opened before or not, customers often want to take a look at what they're buying or what they're interested in, so it wouldn't be odd to get a box that had the original tape cut.