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Old 04-25-2008, 12:27 AM
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angelfan angelfan is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Halifax
Posts: 58
angelfan is on a distinguished road

I didn't build them myself but I have two 220's (72x24x30) one of which is 1/2" and the other is 5/8" so I'd say either or will do as long as we're talking glass and not acrylic. Acrylic I don't know.
May I suggest the use of starphire glass? I wish all of mine were starphire but once you buy it, it's too late.
I plan on building my next tank out of starphire as it is not green at the ends and also makes for a better view. More initial cost but I would say its worth it. Just a thought
My tanks @
two 220gal and 150gal in storage MUST GET HOUSE
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