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Old 04-24-2008, 11:34 PM
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Default Full Nano System for sale - SOLD

I have a complete nano system for sale. This is a 7 or 8 Gallon Bowfront tank with about 10 pounds of LR in it. There is a gravel substrate in the tank as well. It is housed by 2 clownfish, 1 Coral Banded Shrimp, an emerald Crab, 2 Blue Hermit crabs and a Trochus Snail (by the looks of it).

This is a very stable system and has been going for about 1.5 years now. There is also a Coralife light on top of it, a 75W Stealth heater and a HOB filter system to help keep things under controll.

Right now, there is a nice purple coralin growth on the LR as well as some mushrooms growing all over the place. There is also some feather dusters all over the place. I will post some photos of it as soon as I can.

I am hoping to get $150 OBO for it. It does come with all the equipment listed above. Please send me a PM if interested.

Thank you
Fish are social just like humans, except for the fact that murder can happen in an aquarium and no one is there to investigate. Instead its like an all you can eat buffet for FREE!

Last edited by SerLunchbox; 04-27-2008 at 01:04 PM. Reason: Sold item
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