Thread: Gas Prices
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Old 04-24-2008, 05:09 PM
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Quinster Quinster is offline
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BMW Rider

Out of curiosity what do you get charged for insurance on your bikes there?

Manitoba has made it so there is almost no cost saving by insuring a motorcycle, the insurance is so high that it cancels out the fuel savings.

I have a 1948 Chevy with a 396 big block, and while city mileage is poor, highway is decent. Now gas being $1.25/L mileage is an issue, but it costs me less than $1000/year to insure the vehicle ($884 for all purpose and full coverage), while my 1100cc shadow now would be $2058 with no fire and theft or vandalism.

That $1174 would buy a lot of gas in the 5 - 7 months we drive either vehicle here! I wish I could justify a bike again!
Getten Outta Dodge
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