Welcome BigA,
Sounds like your just in the curing process. As the tank stabilizes the first stage will be brown stuff EVERYWHERE but don't worry as every tank goes through this. Also the quality of the live rock will help with the wait. I don't know where you got your live rock but I think I know. Try the place that I pm'd you as it is now my source for LR and it is usually the best in the city for cost and quality. It will take a while, but with a stable system and good water quality, your coralline algae (purple stuff) will cover the rock, and even the tank walls. With any system testing is important, but it is much more so in small set-ups as things happen a lot faster, and nothing good happens fast in any tank. Don't worry though as I started with a 20gal and still have it. I think people should learn with a nano (small tank) as you learn faster, with less losses and costs. Good Luck and Happy Reefing