Thread: Gas Prices
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Old 04-24-2008, 03:12 PM
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ShrimSkin ShrimSkin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Posts: 29
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Gas prices out of control and personally I don't think it's going ot end unless something drastically changes. There has been no adjustement made to the daily production to compensate for China's increased consumption by OPEC, plus you have the president of Iran saying oil in undervalued.

This is just my opinion (obviously) but it looks like a strategic attack on the US, I mean the dollar us HURTING now, everyone dislikes Bush, the war is massivlely hated they see weakness and are trying a different approach.

The greedy Banks that KNEW they were hustling people into ****** loans that will eventually screw the borrower over are a big part of the currrent US economic crisis. The need to grab every cent from consumers just got outta control. And now Walmart is limiting rice purchases!!

And why am I so upset about all this, well I was planning on purchasing a Shelby GT500 this year but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan does the cost of ownership go up when you factor in Supreme fuel at prolly 5+ dollars a gallon!

I hope this saltwater burning/cancer curing/ machine works!
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