It looks like I have a sale pending on my tank. The following is still available. I would like to have everything gone in 2 weeks. I"ll consider some people coming during a weeknight or on Saturday. But will not be available Sunday, Sorry.
This was my system: I will be adding more pics as I can of my hardware and corals.
- Mag 18 pump used as return pump 4 years old, runs well -
- Mag 12 pump used with skimmer )
- Homemade injection skimmer handles my 150 fine (ran on mag 12) -

- Aquatic Essentials Calcium Reactor with 10 gallon C02 tank. Tank was just refilled a week ago. If I recall this reactor can handle tanks over 250. I had the solenoid burn out so it needs to be replaced. Over half full of media and I have some media left. PRICE REDUCED TO $250 but I might consider offers.
- Seio 1100 -
- Homemade acrylic sump; size is approx 36" L x 18" w 15" H.
- Phosban reactor with rechargable iron oxide media and includes vinyl tubing and powerhead -
- 430 watt Son Agro ballast only (no moguls) These are great for radium lights and European bulbs. I use them with 10XM bulbs and they tend to make the bulb a bit brighter and whiter. The bulbs might need to be replaced sooner. But this ballast is basically what a PFO 400 watt HQI. At least that is what was explained to me so I had these made to save money. I have two of them. They include a power cord in and a cable out, but does not include reflectors, moguls.
- Have quite a few used 400 watt XM 10K (10 month old) bulbs. If you want them $5 each.
Due to bryopsis problems I'm throwing out sps every week. Some I'll list and sell, but their might be some pieces not mentioned that I will part with for cheap.
I'm going to try to take some pics and add them. But I'm not making promises.
- Greenish frogspawn with pink tips (med)
- Torch Coral, brown with brilliant yellow tips and some zoos attached
- Hammer coral (sm) -
- Turbinaria (lg) -
- Large bright green monticap (size of gallon icecream pail) could be tricky to remove off large rock. A large purple milli is attached and so are a few other corals. The milli has a sale pending. I'm not sure how much of the cap will be saved when removing it from the rock. If I can separate the other corals, then the rock will have to go with the cap to your residence. Price for Green Cap
- Nice green hynophora (med) -
FISH- 2 Bangaii Cardinals (non pair) Price - $12 each sold D
- Nice size Lawnmower Blenny Price - $10 Sale Pending D
- Copperband butterfly fish (med size) - $12 SALE PENDING D
Feel free to PM me or email me at with questions or to make arrangements for purchase.