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Old 04-21-2008, 05:39 AM
Jason McK's Avatar
Jason McK Jason McK is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Ladner,BC
Posts: 3,032
Jason McK is on a distinguished road

Haven't sent out the Location details yet. That will happen early May


Reef Networks is happy to announce the 2nd coral frag auction on May 10th, 2008
Skylord (Scott and Lil) have volunteered to open their home in Maple Ridge to host this very popular event. Start clipping and gluing. May 10th will be here before you know it.


* Registration is needed
o e-mail
* 2 Frags maximum from a colony
* No limit of frags
* Owner of coral to set starting bid price
o from starting values of $5, $10, $15.
* Photo's of actual mother colony or very close photo web image is required for all Frags
* 10% of all frag sales will go toward the Reef Network
o The 10% will go toward future events, refreshment and snacks, and larger events
* Corals should be free of pests (red bugs, Flat worms, nudis)


* RSVP on here, 3Reef or add a comment at the Reef Network Blog

direction will be e-mailed or PMed to those who RSVP
My old Tank Shut down Jan 2011
New 220G build about to start
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