Oh I realize that "no purchase necessary" thing and I am not surprised there are people with enough free time to do stuff like that. I dunno. To me it's just fun. Lightning *can* strike apparently, but expecting it to happen is a setup for disappointment, and that's not fun, so I figure the thing to do is just fanatasize for a few minutes, then drink your coffee and move on with life.
I don't know what it is about TH coffee but I really do enjoy it. Once in a while I'll get a real doozie of a coffee that's undrinkable but for the most part they get it right. So often bought coffee's are this sort of daisy-chained sludge where the servers just pour what's left of one pot into the next. Coffee isn't like sourdough, I think when people do that it wrecks the coffee! I guess some people just don't care but I can sure tell when that happens. I'll crave a good brew but a bad brew just makes me gag. I think there's coffee in my office that was around when I was in elementary school. Coffee is for drinking, not for speculating what it was like "back in olden days when this coffee was young. Oh the stories this coffee could tell,
if coffee could tell stories." Ew!