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Old 04-14-2008, 09:21 PM
nanoreefer nanoreefer is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: BC
Posts: 100
nanoreefer is on a distinguished road

ive had afew mandys and i used live brine enriched with selcon to wean them on to frozen food, i got a vary skinny beat up male that turned right around and looked grate after 4 months, i then got him a female and they lived just fine in a 10g for several months untile we had to move in the middel of winter, male got cotton like growths on his sides and died after a week and the female stopped eating anything even pods and died, i just got another one onto frozen and put him in the tank only to have him jump out after afew days after takeing three months to get onto fozen, if i do it again iam not growing my own brine thats for sure its a major PITA!,
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