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Old 04-14-2008, 02:31 AM
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Default Need a new fishie for 24 gallon

with the unfortunate departure of my sixline wrasse, i am now considering what to add as my other fish. right now i have an occellaris, royal gramma, and small twinspot blenny. the goby is so tiny that i dont think he adds much bioload. and while he is hilarious when i am up close to the tank, you dont notice it when viewing from a distance.

that is what i loved about the sixline. constant movement and brilliant colouration!

now im trying to decide what fish to go for next. i COULD go for another sixline. but ive been there and done that, and want something new.

i was thinking of going for a bottom "hangin out-er" goby...but im just not sure.

what other fish could you all recommend to me?

i dont want something overly hard to keep or super expensive. but one that gives a good mix of colouration and activity.

im in the process of setting up a 50 gallon so i can always switch it over if it gets too large for the "nano".

thanks canreef!

Last edited by Puff; 04-14-2008 at 03:55 AM.
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