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Old 04-14-2008, 12:09 AM
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Justusfish Justusfish is offline
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Default Comparison

Yes, that is one I am looking at. Just wondering, cost aside, if you compare that Bubble King to the RS250 if it really is MUCH better. If so, let me know. I'm not well versed on skimmer speak so all the stats seem somewhat meaningless to me.

Thanks for the feedback.
210gal tank, mega flow#4 sump 30gal, Euroreef RS250, 1/2 horse chiller, lifeguard 40watts uv sterilizer,poseidon ps4 external pump,24" plexi refugium with pump and light, 2 rio pumps 3100,72" 72" PFO Solaris-I4 15K LED Lighting Fixture. Tunze wavebox. Precision Marine calcium reactor for up to 400gal,with about 200lb of figi live rock, bare bottom
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