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Old 04-13-2008, 09:36 PM
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Justusfish Justusfish is offline
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Default Best skimmer for starting coral in 210 gallon

What's the best skimmer that will work for a 210 gallon coral tank with 30 gallon sump (not large enough, I know) that will fit in 12 x 15 x 30 H? Any suggestions? I'm ultimately shooting for a very heavy bioload.
210gal tank, mega flow#4 sump 30gal, Euroreef RS250, 1/2 horse chiller, lifeguard 40watts uv sterilizer,poseidon ps4 external pump,24" plexi refugium with pump and light, 2 rio pumps 3100,72" 72" PFO Solaris-I4 15K LED Lighting Fixture. Tunze wavebox. Precision Marine calcium reactor for up to 400gal,with about 200lb of figi live rock, bare bottom
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