FS-Over 200lbs of liverock and all livestock
I have for sale
over 200 pounds of well cured liverock for sale @ $4lb.
covered in coraline algae mushrooms etc.Take it all for $700.
and all livestock from a mature 210 gallon system including but not limited to:
1 magnificent foxface 6"
1 regular foxface 5"
1 Scopas tang 5"
1 marine Beta 5"
1 large zebra eel 36"
1 ocilaris clown 1.5"
1 Black percula clown 1"
! fuzzy dwarf lionfish 4"
1 long spiny urchin
2 bright purple clams
various leathers,mushroom,chalice,brain,xenia,GSP,galaxia, and a good assortment of multi-colored zoo's.
Too much to list.
I am open to offers.