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Old 03-07-2003, 03:59 PM
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Bob I Bob I is offline
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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Bob I is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by teevee
bob i can grab you if you want to come. i'll be coming up via deerfoot, let me know your address if you want to catch a ride.

i think that would mean you'd have to come to tony's and then jon's (since i think that's where i'm headed after the movie for a bit). provided that's fine with everyone. also would probably stop at a few LFSs if you're ok with that.
I would think that would be great, but you have to come so far North from Deerfoot. I am at 202-Storybook Terrace, and that is alsmost at Nosehill Drive up John Laurie Blvd. That is quite a trip.
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---------Homer Simpson--------
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