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Old 04-08-2008, 07:06 PM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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I used to have 2 of these guys and after about 6 years, they outgrew their tank. I thought our pond would be a good idea but unfortunately, they both died the first winter. I felt so terrible. They really enjoyed the summer in the pond and I used to see them all the time but the winter was just too cold I guess, even here in Vancouver. Hope she finds them a good home.

Heres something I read a while ago about the Salmonella thing:

"Red-eared sliders have been reported to carry Salmonella. At the height of pet store turtle sales in the United States, red-eared sliders were being raised in large numbers under sub-optimal conditions. Adults were being fed lettuce refuse and moldy bread. The decaying foods developed Salmonella. The sliders were not affected but served as carriers, that infected the young children who purchased them as pets"

Basically they do not have salmonella and only carry it if the conditions they are in are terrible. As a kid, I used to carry mine all over the house and then put my hands in my mouth...I seem to even remember putting the turtle in my mouth when it was little and my mom freaking out.

Another thing I thought I would mention about their care, since many people don't know this is that they need UV light. Eventually they get metabolic bone disease (soft shell syndrome) if they do not have sufficient UVA and UVB. Basically the same bulbs used for most reptiles. Even just a spot where they can sunbathe. They are also better to feed in a separate container because they are so messy and will cause bad water quality fast. Good filtration is needed. And of course, they get about a foot long, so a big tank!

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 04-08-2008 at 07:15 PM.
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