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Old 04-08-2008, 03:40 PM
hawk hawk is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Terrace b.c.
Posts: 176
hawk is on a distinguished road

I received a Monti a year ago, I used Lugol's before placing it in qt. Nudi's eventually showed up. I used dips and daily inspections for manual removal. Nothing worked, they always came back. After 3 months I gave-up. The problem is the eggs, none of the dips I came across kill the eggs and they are so small they are easily missed or even inaccessible to see or remove. If the infected monti is in your main tank with other monti's I would remove it. I recall reading that Eric Bourneman was working on a strategy to kill these things but not sure whatever became of it. Good luck.
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