Thread: Red Slime Algae
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Old 04-08-2008, 01:58 PM
Whatigot Whatigot is offline
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Originally Posted by hillbillyreefer View Post
Add more flow. You want a minimum of 20x turnover. 40x is better. In my 33 gal I've got about 30x and will add another koralia 2 to bring it up a bit over 40. That should help with your red slime and also keep crap in suspension so it can be removed instead of settling on the sand.

For keeping the sand clean try a couple of big nassarius snails, a strawberry conch, or a tiger tail sea cucumber. They do a good job on mine.

In my reading and experience, it's not the actual turn over rate of your tank, it's the interraction of the water at surface with air and mking sure that all the water in your aqurium is being moved.
I increased my flow, spent almost 200 bucks on new Koralia but the Cyano actually grew more in the higher flow.
Once I took the two new powerheads out and changed the flow from the two existing ones i had initially had and my return pump so that there were no dead spots AND I had done more siphoning of the rocks and the substrate and replaced siphon with clean sw the cyano started to recede.
I also noticed that once the cyano had been reduced, my scarlett hermits chowed down on it pretty good.

I would try adjusting your current flow before you go blow some cash on new powerheads.
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