I was doing some of reading on the zeovit forums for a while as i was looking into using RBS. I thought it was around 320 CA right out of the box and you had to mix in the supplied Ca to your desired level. Did they change the formula? Magnesium was supposed to be low as well.
72G bow front
130+ lbs live rock
All in one D.A.S sump/skimmer bx1/fresh water top up (bx1= deltec turbo 1250)
Currently building a 36x36x24 90g,sequence dart,OM 4 way 2' in 1 1/2 out external overflow,blueline overflow return pump. System Has to be near silent. Single reflector must be rectangular and have enough output for sps on top 2/3 of tank,wherever they are placed.
Last edited by mastergunsg; 04-08-2008 at 12:20 PM.