Originally Posted by Marlin65
Unless you are 12mm or thicker you can't really notice the difference so in my opinion unless you go 12mm or more it is not worth the extra cost.
IMO...Sorry...I beg to differ. Since I tore my 90 g apart this weekend, I have the plates of glass leaning against a wall. Each plate is seperated by some cardboard. I pointed out to my fiance how you can see the "greening" of the glass by looking at the color difference of the cardboard as it sticks out the side. Very noticeable difference. Even more noticeable when looking through 4 pieces (40mm)
As for my personal application...I am placing this tank as a "pony wall" to seperate my living room from dining area. It will be set with 1 short end to the wall (2 long and 1 short viewing sides). So for looking THROUGH the entire tank (long side to long side) will amout to 20mm of glass. Worth the money...IMO