DIY Heat Recovery Ventilator ?
I don't really need a HRV in the true sense for what they are designed for. I need something to deal with the possible humidity problems from a large tank.
This is my idea...
First my canopy will be sealed off from the air in the room in which it sits. Heat from my lights is dealt with in sump. So I am looking for a way to pull the hot, humid air from inside the canopy to the outside of my house.
I can easily punch a hole in the wall behind the tank, it's sits partially on a outside wall.
The only concern is replacing the air in the canopy as it's being pulled outside.
I could put a vent in the opposite end of my canopy and allow the air to be drawn in from the room but this is basically pumping my expensively heated air outside, not very energy efficient.
So I was thinking about having the air drawn in from outside as well as vented outside, of course in the winter this is going to be way too cold.
Why couldn't a person connect a pile of dry vent hose together (because they are fairly cheap) and snake them all over the ceiling in the basement thus allowing the new air time to warm from the house temperature? A person could even have the hose coiled up in numerous places to create even more "acclimation" time.

230 mixed reef / 230 gal sump/fuge