Thread: DIY live rock??
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Old 04-07-2008, 09:29 PM
CRAP! Another Hobby CRAP! Another Hobby is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Airdrie, Alberta
Posts: 48
CRAP! Another Hobby is on a distinguished road

I just made 3 small "plates" of it. It is still curing, so I don't really have alot of feedback to provide. All I used was cement and crushed oyster real exact ratio, but probably close to 2:5 (cement to shells). Water runs straight through it It feels light and "airy" (is that really a word?)

This week I will put the MMLR plates into my toilet tanks to finish the kuring process (different from "curing"...not a typo). I shoul dhave it kured in 2 to 3 weeks in the toilet ...then it will spend a few days in some plain water to test if it is now tank ready.

If anyone will be interested in the results, please PM me or bump this message again in a months time. I hope to have my results then.
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