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Old 04-05-2008, 12:17 AM
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MMAX MMAX is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Innisfail, Alberta
Posts: 748
MMAX is on a distinguished road

I'm another one with a Coralife 65 skimmer. It only overflowed on me once, I just didn't watch it carefully when adding water. Now whenever I add I turn water level knob all the way down then re-adjust it accordingly. I do admit it's sometimes very hard to set it just right. When setting it up the first time the plastic valve piece that connects to the pump cracked. I have to hold it on with a plastic tie wrap. Also the rubber tubing thay gave me in the kit was too small a diameter, so I had to rig up a new piece. A little bit of a headache but it seems to work.
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