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Old 04-04-2008, 01:51 PM
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mastergunsg mastergunsg is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: New Westminister(vancouver)
Posts: 25
mastergunsg is on a distinguished road

Ya the prices are ridiculous for local glass shops i was quoted between $32- $36 per square foot from 4 different places here in Vancouver without any work on the edges, sells it for $15. To put that into perspective, for the 4 pieces of starfire glass that i would buy at a local glass shop. I received a quote from sea-star to build and deliver and entire aquarium (starfire 3 sides) for around the same price that included the drilling 6 holes, euro bracing,durso overflow,glass overflow box,all bulkheads,edge working the glass.

Now its all the labor involved in replacing the glass if doing it yourself. IMO if you are doing anything more than just the front of an existing aquarium you would be better off buying a new aquarium from a reputable local aquarium maker in your area.
72G bow front
130+ lbs live rock
All in one D.A.S sump/skimmer bx1/fresh water top up (bx1= deltec turbo 1250)

Currently building a 36x36x24 90g,sequence dart,OM 4 way 2' in 1 1/2 out external overflow,blueline overflow return pump. System Has to be near silent. Single reflector must be rectangular and have enough output for sps on top 2/3 of tank,wherever they are placed.

Last edited by mastergunsg; 04-04-2008 at 01:55 PM.
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