Originally Posted by rjanzen
I bought this same skimmer and also had floods. The problem is when salt builds up in the air intake nozzle and blocks the flow of air into the powerhead. If you place your finger over the air intake, you will see the collection cup rapidly fill with water. If you poke a toothpick once a week into the air intake you should not have any floods.
HEY THANKS! This is what I was looking for.
I think I'm going to punt this thing out the door and send the pieces back to the factory with a picture of my middle finger. I'm so unimpressed with their "customer service" right now that being a child would likely make me feel a little better.
I'm going to be looking at the Remora Pro hang on skimmer as another poster mentioned they were decent and don't fail. I like that idea right now.

Brian P.
Kelowna BC
50 Gallon Tank (Running 2 months now) with a Fluval 305 and a Coralife 65 Skimmer en route.
1 clown, 1 Mandarin Goby, 4 crabs, a sexy shrimp, some mushrooms and an enemone for the Clownfish (which he doesn't seem to be taking to)