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Old 04-03-2008, 01:08 PM
bassman bassman is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Quesnel, BC
Posts: 313
bassman is on a distinguished road

Hi there, thanks for the input.

The pond liner has since been relocated. It runs up the wall about 8 inches now and I will be running more peices down and over lapping the bottom pce. It's hard to explain but when I am done the stand it's self will hold water.

The edges of the liner will be siliconed to the floor thus not allowing any water under it. I did this with my 55 and it works awesome. I designed it so that the cavity under my tank can hold more then 55 gal as I didn't want to drill a floor drain in the floor where my tank currently sits.

I have NUMEROUS plans to keep water from ever hitting the floor and if it should it will be directly into a floor drain, filter sock and back into the sump.

My 55 has been up for 4 months and I have yet to spill a single drop of water on the floor around it. Knock on wood!!

I thought about removing the 2x4 top but I already have all the lumber and it puts my counter top 3.75 inches higher then the 2x6's, giving a person a little more room for their legs under the tank and it gives me a nice straight line across the front to attach my oak trim.

I am buying a second hand tank so I am not sure where it was built or buy whom. It is being sold by another forum member.

Yes, the sump tank is in the basement below the tank. I just finished building everything done there and I couldn't be happier.

230 mixed reef / 230 gal sump/fuge

Last edited by bassman; 04-03-2008 at 01:32 PM.
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