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Old 03-05-2003, 09:25 PM
Wannabe Reefer Wannabe Reefer is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Millwoods, Edmonton AB
Posts: 4
Wannabe Reefer is on a distinguished road

AGA makes a 10 watt screw in flourescent that I belive is a 6500 K. Or you could try finding a way to rig up some other type of lights. I am setting up a 5.5 gallon that will have five 13 watt PC's. And you can order lights from AH Supply on line they have good prices and they offer a 50/50 atinic/10000K bulb for a 13 watt. I have heard lots of good things but I do not have any experience with them. :twisted:
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