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Old 04-03-2008, 01:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Marlin65 View Post
Nice additions too your tank I was thinking about you today OA has a nice Majestic angel there a big one he must be at least 5" I thought he would fit in your tank quite well.
I was also at OA today. They actually had two of those Majestics. Ran into TomR at the same time...small world. I wonder how long it takes a Majestic to get that large? Mine is nice and fat, but isn't growing noticeably. (not like the Vlamingi, who I swear gets bigger every single day. He just passed the White Cheek Tank in overall size a few days ago)

I did start with one cleaner, but added the 2nd one quite a while ago. They split up frequently, so they both may have been there.
400 gal reef. Established April, 2007. 3 Sequence Dart, RM12-4 skimmer, 2 x OM4Ways, Yellow Tang, Maroon Clown (pair), Blonde Naso Tang, Vlamingi Tang, Foxface Rabbit, Unicorn Tang, 2 Pakistani Butterflies and a few coral gobies

My Tank:

Last edited by untamed; 04-03-2008 at 01:55 AM.
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