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Old 04-02-2008, 01:29 PM
b-diddy b-diddy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Kelowna
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Thumbs down Coralife 65 Floor Flooder

Hey everyone.

Not sure if I'm posting this in the right spot - sorry if I'm not.

I purchased a coralife 65 a few months ago and this week it decided to blow up and flood my hardwood. I've sent Coralife an e-mail asking them what they're going to do for me and haven't heard a response back.

It seemed to be working fine before this but was a little finicky with the adjustment knob. Anyone heard anything about these in the past?

Ugh. I'm hoping this doesn't make it to small claims court but but I haven't heard back by Friday it looks like it'll end up going that route.

Who makes a good Protein Skimmer that I should look at for my 50 gallon. It'll have to be a hang on. I'm on a bit of a budget so bang for my buck suggestions would be great!

Thanks everyone!
Brian P.
Kelowna BC

50 Gallon Tank (Running 2 months now) with a Fluval 305 and a Coralife 65 Skimmer en route.

1 clown, 1 Mandarin Goby, 4 crabs, a sexy shrimp, some mushrooms and an enemone for the Clownfish (which he doesn't seem to be taking to)
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